Archive for the ‘Wallmatter’ Category

Time Worn Surfaces. Fine Art Prints. Jenny Davis

Sunday, July 1st, 2018

Currently available in my Gallery ,” Limited Edition” art prints

To purchase my Wallmatter series, please go to the Gallery  page.

Each collection of 10 prints is $35.00 AU. and includes (Free Worldwide Postage)

You will receive
1 collection of 10 Wallmatter art prints/cards shown
Blank on back + 10 white paper envelopes
One of each design
6″ x 4″ – 15 x 10cm. ea.
Designed from my original abstract paintings
Printed professionally
100% Recycled paper stock
Sustainably sourced
Matt finish






A beautiful way to send a personal message to your friends and family or, frame for a unique art display in your home or workplace.


About Wallmatter series.”A visual and textural descent into the abandoned, the derelict, the vacant and the, forgotten surface.”Through her utilisation of forlorn industrial structures, stained and crumbling walls, acts of graffiti, redundant signage, and portals giving access to meandering subterranean systems,of timeworn surfaces. Jenny Davis evokes a unique vision at once spare and lavish, material and ghostly. It is a vision that elevates the significance of random marks, stress fractures and other imperfections, while enfolding the viewer in an atmosphere of chromatically gentle and strangely opulent decay.”



To purchase please go to my Gallery page and scroll down to “Small Art Prints”.

(Free Worldwide Postage)



Spaces Below. New Exhibition. Yering Station Gallery.

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018

A small glimpse of paintings in progress for my next exhibition, in April at Yering Station Gallery. I will be showing, new and older paintings and will include an installation of framed photographs, “Spaces Below”, shot in France. The gallery is large and raw with an industrial feel.  A perfect space for larger abstracts. All commissions taken from my sold artworks at Yering Station Gallery will be donated to…



The Venice Biennale 57. Wallmatter 17.

Saturday, May 6th, 2017

I just found out my painting “Wallmatter 17” has selected to be presented as a digital display at, The Biennial Project’s extravagant, event in Venice, Italy, during the opening/press week of The Venice Biennale 57. “La Biennale di Venezia”

Thank you The Biennial Project!


TITLE Wallmatter 17
MED Acrylic paint, lime, sand, cement, sealer on canvas. (Contemporary washed veneer wooden frame)

Wallmatter. New Paintings and more available in the Gallery.

Monday, December 5th, 2016

New Paintings, sculpture and more available in the Gallery   Some are already framed others are ready to hang with all hardware attached.   Shipping included in the price!

I am influenced by abandoned and derelict spaces, vacant industrial sites, structures, old walls & graffiti.  The paintings below are about the connections and contrasts of imperfections, found in the urban environment, highlighting, insignificant marks, weathered surfaces.

Wallmatter 13












Wallmatter 13











Wallmatter 17





Wallmatter 17



Wallmatter 14





Wallmatter 14




Wallmatter 16





Wallmatter 16




Wallmatter 12





Wallmatter Exhibition Photos – Jenny Davis – 2016

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

Wallmatter Exhibition Photos – Jenny Davis – 2016

A huge thank you to everybody who attended the opening of my new exhibition Wallmatter last Saturday. A special thank you to all the people who helped me pull it altogether and make it a special day.  I feel so blessed and encouraged with all the support shown for my artwork and the new friendships I made.

Wallmatter continues until Tuesday August 16th at The Memo, Healesville Victoria. Free Entry. All artworks are for sale.

A few photos I took the next day as I forgot my camera on opening night.


An installation of paint, concrete, rust and
textiles, inspired by imperfections and
weathered surfaces, linking to the abandoned
and neglected spaces found in urban and rural

Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 5s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 4s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 16s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 3s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 8s

“Surfaces and objects touched by time tell a
story and are a raw reflection of their environment.
I want to highlight the significance of a random
mark, or the crumbling texture of a wall in an
underground space. They are evidence to a
previous time in history. My abstractions are
investigations into marks and traces left behind
in the urban and rural environment.”
– Jenny Davis, Artist


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Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 19s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 10s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 2s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 17s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 7s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 11s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 15s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 13s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 12s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 9s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 10s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 14s

You are Invited to “Wallmatter”. An exhibition by Jenny Davis.

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

You are Invited to “Wallmatter”. An exhibition by Jenny Davis.

Jenny Davis DL-2-1



Jenny Davis DL-2-2invite

Please see more here!

“Wallmatter” Exhibition Progress. Jenny Davis 2016.

Sunday, May 29th, 2016

“Wallmatter” Exhibition Progress. Jenny Davis 2016.

Wallmatter 3s


All my paintings are now finished and have been taken to the framers for my upcoming exhibition, in July and I managed to fit all, 17 paintings, into the car for the short trip to Healesville.


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter paintigns framers


While the paintings are at the framers I have been creating and finishing off, other pieces in the show. It has also, given me pockets of time to concentrate on the written stuff, which I find a bit difficult sometimes.


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Jenny Davis_Sculpture6s_2016

Jenny Davis_Sculpture7s_2016


My art statement has changed a million times, but I think I’m happy with it now. Id rather just let my artwork speak for itself but, finally, after many years, I’m actually starting to enjoy the process of writing the art statement. I see it now, as an extension of my work and not, just an unrelated, add on . As an artist, you know yourself, what your art is all about, but putting it out there, for the viewer, in words, honestly, without all that “artspeak”, is a whole different art, I’ve had to learn over the years.


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Paintings lot_ 2016


If you need help writing art statements, here is fantastic book that has helped me.  “Art-Write. The Writing Guide for Visual Artists by Vicki Krohn Amorose.”  It’s a simple, step by step guide on writing, not only, art statements but also,  speeches, proposals, bio, press release’s and more. Its all related to the visual artist.


Jenny Davis_Sculpture8_2016


The ad for “Art Almanac” magazine has been designed and sent off to the magazine and the invite/ad for “Wallmatter” exhibition, has been designed, with some help from my daughter overseas in France… Amazing Skype!


Jenny Davis_Sculpture3_2016

Jenny Davis_Sculpture4_2016

Jenny Davis_Sculpture_2016


The catalogue price list has taken a long time as every detail of every single piece has to be written down and priced.  It’s an ongoing venture and still in progress as I keep adding more pieces. The food and drinks for the opening have all been taken care of, thanks, to a couple of dear friends for their help.


Jenny Davis_Artist Books4s_2016


I’m still making some flat concrete stands I want to sit my sculpture’s on. One of them broke, so I’m not sure yet, whether Ill to use them, or not. I also need to find a way to get my paintings to the exhibition. Once framed they won’t fit into my car. Something I didn’t think off:)


Jenny Davis_Artist Books2s_2016


The last thing I will need to do is photograph and document all the pieces, before they are sent off to the gallery. Encase they don’t come back home again:) Hopefully!


Jenny Davis_Artist Books_2016


More details of what? when? and where? coming very soon!



Experiments with Concrete Cloth and Rust. Sculpture.

Sunday, May 15th, 2016

Experiments with Concrete Cloth and Rust. Sculpture.

Just a quick update about what Ive been doing lately.




Work for my exhibition was almost finished, until, I discovered a bunch of rusted textiles Id forgotten about. Now, I want to make more sculpture. A solid form with thin wafers of cloth, concrete and rust.


Jenny Davis_Concrete Mixed Media s7


Today, I’m heading into the studio to work out how to achieve this. Wet concrete is very formless so pouring, layer, upon layer of cloth then, concrete, in a mold, just wouldn’t work. The cloth would get covered with concrete on the outer edges and I want slices of cloth sticking out and visible on the outside.


Jenny Davis_Concrete Mixed Media 2s


Funny thing is, when I Googled it, all I came up with was my own experiments and work with concrete, cloth and rust.


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Sculpture_ 2016


So, I’m now in the process of inventing how to do this:)

More details about my “Wallmatter” exhibition coming soon!



Experimental Painting. Industrial Materials and Methods.

Friday, April 22nd, 2016

Experimental Painting. Industrial Materials and Methods.

Its been almost a year since I started this group of paintings using traditional, non traditional, industrial, materials and processes. There are 20 paintings altogether.

After several months of research and practical experiments, I finally discovered how to make my textural, gritty surfaces, stable and permanent for a flexible base.


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Studio1_Workinprigress

Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Paintings lot_ 2016

Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Paintings_ 2016

Jenny Davis_Outlook8studio


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Paintings closeup2_ 2016

Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Paintings_Mixed Media_ 2016

Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Paintings closeup_ 2016

Jenny Davis_3 Wallmatter Paintings _ 2016



Concrete. Rust. Textile. Sculpture. Work in the Studio.

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

Concrete. Rust. Textile. Sculpture. Work in the Studio.

Experiments with concrete, rust and textiles in developing sculpture.




Junk packaging for mold making




Taped up packaging filled with concrete, rust and cloth.




Poured wet concrete sculpture




A series of 3D objects in the making




The first raw reveal after 24 hours. At this stage, I need to make my final decisions and changes to this sculpture, while the concrete is still soft enough to work with. I discovered in some of my earlier experiments, once its rock hard, its more difficult to work with.


Jenny Davis_ Concrete textile Sculpture 1st reveal s


I am still working on this series of sculptures using concrete, rust and textiles that will be part of my “Wallmatter” exhibition.


Rust & Shibori. Vintage Cigar Tins. Work in Progress.

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

Rust & Shibori. Vintage Cigar Tins. Work in Progress.

A heap of vintage cigar tins in the process of change.


Jenny Davis_Work in progress_Cigar tin lot


Vintage buckle, Japanese Shibori dyed scrap. Rusty fence wires and Victorian silk buttons were purchased from Penny’s antique and vintage mixed media supplies.  Faginsdaughter


Jenny Davis_Work in progress_Cigar tins s


Old rusted door lock and fence wire with weaving made from beach- combed finds and indigo cotton string.


Jenny Davis_Rust Lock Weave 2s_


The beginnings of a textile book.

Jenny Davis_Work in progress_book s


Rust and indigo dyed wall piece


Jenny Davis_Rust Textiles_


Finally, another tin. Metal detector find, central Victoria, 1800’s suspender buckle, rusty wire and rust indigo dyed doily scrap. Unfortunately the beautiful buckle broke in this installation. It could be made from gold, as it was very soft.


Jenny Davis_Work in progress_Cigar tin 2 s


I may use some of these artworks in my next solo exhibition, “Wallmatter” in July