Posts Tagged ‘travel’

Focus, Simplify & London.

Thursday, November 15th, 2018

Recently, I’ve been unable to focus fully on my work. I feel I may have too many things going on in my life and need to simplify. I’ve also been procrastinating too long, putting off a few decisions, I need to make, regarding my arts practice.  I know, I just have to get on with it,  if I only knew what “IT” was ? Also, its been hard lately having to divide my time, between creating and dealing with with other life circumstances that have been cropping up.  I know as an artist, my main focus is to create, or nothing will get done, but more important, my inner- self will suffer.

In the meantime, my daughter and her partner (xox) , gifted me a trip to London to visit  them. After not seeing her for a few years, it was so nice to catch up and do stuff together again. We managed to fit in some very interesting exhibitions.  The Anni Albers (1899-1994) textile exhibition at Tate Modern, was excellent. She was student of the Bauhaus art school and like other women at that time , was discouraged from becoming a painter. Instead, she enrolled in the weaving shop and made textiles her means of expression. Albers rose to become an influential figure, exploring the technical limits of hand-weaving to pioneer innovative uses of woven fabric as art, architecture and design.





Other exhibitions on at the V&A Museum.

Fashioned from Nature, explores the complex relationship between fashion and nature from 1600 to the present day.



A Frida Kahlo exhibition of her belongings. There was also huge jewelry exhibition and video game exhibition on. The collections are immense. I particularly enjoyed Asian textiles & objects.





The “Censored! Stage, Screen Society at 50”  exhibition was brilliant. Especially as I can remember most of it happening when I was a teenager.




It took a bit of getting around the V&A  building, as its built around a very large inner courtyard. The signage wasn’t brilliant and quite confusing. I only saw a small portion of the collections and if I get another chance Id like explore it some more.

Another exhibition, I particularly loved and related too, The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History.


A “Kunstkammer” of cabinets full of weird and wonderful curiosities. Extraordinary dioramas displayed in a dark underground cellar, reached only by going down a very steep, spiral stair case.











I also managed to do a brief  bit of mudlarking on the Thames. I found a handful of bits & pieces. A handmade nail used to secure sails to the masts of sailing ships and a few shards of pottery and I think part of a Tudor terracotta tile.





I’m home in Australia now and slowly getting back into studio mode. Having spent time with my family and inspired by new adventurers, I’m feeling more nurtured to just get on with “IT” and not think too much.




Art Blog Diaries. Reminiscing & Evolving as an Artist.

Saturday, May 13th, 2017

I started this blog back in the early 2000’s as a sort of diary, to document my work and creative life and to give something back to others.



Going through some of my old posts recently, I was able to pin point, some pivotal moments in my life, of where my ideas and artworks originally came from, why my work and arts practice has changed and how, it’s evolved over the years, to where it is today.




After visits to Europe, UK and an arts residency in Spain, in 2005, I especially noticed some changes in the way I was working. Though I have always worked between disciplines, painting was always my main form of expression. I was becoming more dissatisfied with just painting and found it hard to do any creative work for awhile. Then, after a 3 month stay in France 2007, I realized I could no longer, only use paint, to express my ideas.





This led to a series of experimental installations, videos and a book of photographs. Touched by Dada and Surrealist ideas, I had to re-access what I was doing as an artist.






The installation and video below “Parisgrit” was shown at Tilt Gallery, in Melbourne in 2006. I can see quite a few interesting elements in it, but it’s way too long and very noisy. Maybe someday, I will get around to re-working it and revamping it into something else.



By looking back over my old blog posts or (diary entries) I find it helpful, to reflect on the areas, where I can make improvements and expand on previous ideas. I can also see where, my ideas have come from. I get a glimpse of how & why, my artwork, techniques and materials have changed over time and maybe where I could be heading in my arts practice.

Gathering Inspiration in Paris.

Friday, September 16th, 2016

Gathering Inspiration in Paris.

Its been a awhile since I’ve been in Paris but feels like I haven’t been away at all, this time. I’ve spent the week soaking up the atmosphere, the smells, the heat, the food.


Its a really busy, vibrant, city and far from the peace and quite of the Yarra Valley, but, being out of my comfort zone allows me to explore and experiment other ways of working and documenting experiences.


Today I played around with a few ideas. I have been particularly drawn to the architecture especially, the small intricate, decorative patterns within.

Sketch Jenny Davis 2016

I’m looking forward to a visit to Versailles palace to see all the decorative bits. Especially the antique furniture wallpaper and textile designs.

Inspiration. Maidstone Museum Kent. England.

Thursday, July 31st, 2014

I love this place!

When I was in England a few years ago, I visited the Maidstone Museum in Kent. The Museum is housed in a charming Elizabethan Manor House, in the centre of Maidstone.

I had the whole place to myself and spent hours, strolling through large rooms, full to the brim, with stuffed animals, neolithic objects, dinosaur bones, Wordsworth, ancient artifacts, primitive tools, old toys, decorative arts and crafts, gilded manuscripts, books and old artworks. There was even an Egyptian mummy.


Diary extract 2005



A few artworks, objects and photographs created over the years, inspired by my visit that day.

















pale 2









pale 4






The Travelling Artist

Saturday, March 8th, 2014



Wherever I go I like to have all my art materials in one place encase I need to jot down an idea, or for when I get that creative burst.




So, when I found this old case I knew exactly what I would do with it. I made myself a personal art kit for when I go out and about. I keep this case in my car and it goes everywhere with me. I also have a smaller kit for when I travel overseas. This kit is much lighter so I can collect art materials along the way




It has everything I need for drawing, painting, collage, photo transfer, stamping and writing

In Transit series of collages




Acrylic paints and ink in a pouch my daughter gave me




Chalk in a vintage medical tin






Water colour paints, coloured pencils and double sided tape








Brushes for painting, pens for drawing and writing, felt pens, graphite pencils, knife, scissors and glue stick for collage




Paint swatches




Collage papers in a plastic pouch.  Mixed lot of vintage and newer papers




Hand- dyed coffee filters, vintage wallpaper, labels and book pages




Stained printed matter and newer papers




Old music prayer book




1932 school book full of hand drawn  world maps






1960s New Idea magazine for cutting




Old advertising




Vintage encyclopeadia pages sealed with a layer of translucent gesso paint




A book of hand-made French paper




Small canvas boards and palette, matt and gloss medium for collage, painting & transfers




Mini stamping kit in old cigar tin






Stamp pad, tiny rubber text stamps in matchbox, stamp holder and tweezers




I also carry a selection of my hand made artist books in progress to work in.



My books are made from found papers, junk mail, advertising


used envelopes, cereal boxes and food packaging


Embellished with used clothing labels, tags, stamps, stickers, pen ,ink and found fabric scraps


sewn with thread or wire and filled with whatever else I find in my travels



It’s amazing how much I can fit into the case





Do you have a portable art kit ?  Whats in your art kit ?

See Jenny’s portfolio here

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Gleaning Paris for Art Materials

Thursday, July 14th, 2011


Gleaning Paris for Art Materials video. From the streets of Paris I collect stuff,junk to create with, plus other inspirations behind my ideas. Works in progress from my studio’s in Paris, Spain and Australia. Photos taken in Paris, Spain and Australia.
All artwork copyright to Jenny Davis