Happy Holidays & Stop Procrastinating…
As 2012 ends, I would like to thank my followers at Outlook8studio blog, for all your support and comments over the past year.
“Happy Holidays” to all of you and hope you will continue to come back now and then, to see what’s new.
Procrastination…My thoughts now race ahead to the new year and plans for my arts business…What plans? I have been procrastinating far too long in this area and have promised myself in 2013 I will organise my time better…
So, I checked out some of my favourite blogs and found this article from, Carolyn Edlund at Artsyshark that may help all you procrastinators out there…
12 Ways Artists Can Stop Procrastinating | Artsy Shark.
Tags: Art, art friends, ArtsBus, outlook8studio, outlook8studio, Paris, Uncategorised
Dear Jenny
It has been a pleasure to receive your blog posts this year. It is very inspiring to read of your successes, your thoughts and your encouragement for others.
Best wishes to you this Christmas and holiday break. I trust it will be filled with laughter, good meals, plenty of variety and some much deserved peace. It’s a great time to pause and celebrate good times with those you care about most, and who treasure you.
Patricia Beale
Dear Patricia, Thank you so much for your kind wishes and support over the years …Love to all of you on the Island and hope you have a peacful, fun time with your family over the holidays. x