Looking to use an image of my artwork, in your next book, game, album, magazine cover, advertisement, film, prints and merchandise, then you’ll need to request a image license.
Australian requests click on the link above ^
International requests contact the artist directly info@outlook8studio.com
If your heading into the Healesville area over the next couple of weeks. Check out Healesville’s newest art gallery and arts hub.
YAVA Art Gallery & Arts Hub was recently created by Yarra Valley Arts members so artists/community can show their their work, attend workshops, talks and more…
A very contemporary modern space for artists with plenty of wall space for solo exhibitions too.
Why not come up have a browse of the latest exhibition, grab a coffee or wine and sit out on the gallery balcony overlooking the beautiful township of Healesville.
Latest Exhibition.
‘Members Exhibition II’ : Showcasing Yarra Valley Artists
Artists in show:
Jenny Davis Jerry Osadczuk Christine Caferella-Pearce David Miller Cathie Berry Bev Hardidge Ernst Fries Agnes Szetey Amanda Ruck
For the past decade or so, I have worked with an amazing group of women artists at the old schoolhouse in Badger Crk. Victoria. We meet up weekly to paint, throw around ideas, experiment and play with new, unusual, materials and techniques. This time is invaluable to me, as it, gives me a break from the usual, business side of making art and gets me out of the studio. We chat about our work, share ideas and discuss what’s happening in the world and our lives. Mostly, it’s just a whole lot of fun, mucking around with good friends who happen to love making art.
Lately at the schoolhouse I have been working on some mixed media pieces with paint paper, cloth and thread.
I use thread and needle to make marks through the artwork.
Each stitch leads onto the next, weaving over the painting.
Found papers intermingle with rotted and rusted cloth.
I like to use off- cuts of textile, paper and patterns and throw it against slabs of paint and marks.
In the above artwork I am enjoying the contrast of the piece of vintage cross stitch, I found in an op shop once.
The stitches wander around and find their own place in their own time. I’m not in control and use the thread, as another tool to make marks.
I don want to make embroidery’s and my mistakes can be my jewels.
All these artworks are in progress and not yet finished. Some may just be experiments for fun and to learn from.
We mostly think of artists working alone in a studio to produce works of art but, artists have also been working collaboratively, in groups and partnerships for centuries, even in the Renaissance. Now with technology, it’s even easier to connect and work with other creative people.
Lately, I have been working on a collaborative arts project with Australian artist Jack Oudyn using a couple of little handmade books I created .
“No Yes” Book
Work in progress…
The books are sent by snail- mail back and forth to each other. We then, work on each page, the reverse sides or, add to each others marks and collage, until we are both satisfied with the piece.
We will then, colour photocopy the book and both have a copy, or keep an original each.
After 2 collaborative swaps the book below is still a work in progress. Today, I created more marks and will send it off to Jack, for more additions or thoughts on the project.
I find it lots of fun and liberating working in this way, as well as, a bit scary. You never know if you will connect with each others mark- making and make the piece, work for both artists.
Slices in Time- Jenny Davis – Digital Photography. Wax – textile – butterflies and string.
Xtinction is a contemporary art prize inviting artists to explore the concept of extinction… to people, places, things, flora and fauna. Xtinction aims to broadly highlight the many Australian species that are presently endangered. Artworks include painting, sculpture, photography, wearable art and mixed medium works, and include the use of sustainably sourced materials and objects.
Date: 23 February – 24 March Venue: Three local galleries, HEALESVILLE Victoria. Contact Details:
Artworks are on display and for sale at three Healesville Galleries:
As 2012 ends, I would like to thank my followers at Outlook8studio blog, for all your support and comments over the past year.
“Happy Holidays” to all of you and hope you will continue to come back now and then, to see what’s new.
Procrastination…My thoughts now race ahead to the new year and plans for my arts business…What plans? I have been procrastinating far too long in this area and have promised myself in 2013 I will organise my time better…
So, I checked out some of my favourite blogs and found this article from, Carolyn Edlund at Artsyshark that may help all you procrastinators out there…
Artists Jenny Davis Charles Farrugia
John Martin
Mark Story
Exhibition dates: 17th April to 24th May, 2012 – Mon-Fri 9.00 to 5.00 or by appt. Address: Gippsland Centre for Art and Design
Building 6S Monash University Gippsland Campus
Churchill 3842
Xmas day 2008 my best friend and studio cat Rebel passed away after a chronic illness.
About Rebel
My cat Rebel was my best friend he spent most of his days lounging around in the studio helping me create.
Every morning he would greet me on the ramp outside the studio door for me to open up and I would open it up for him regardless of whether I was going to work in the studio or not.
Once inside he would make his home either on the wind up office chair,the bench or the banana lounge out on the balcony.
One of his pastimes was catching mozzies, twirling his head around snapping and eating them.
On hot days he would annoy me by walking all over my work until I took him outside to the dirt road for a roll and tummy rub. This was something he loved and even in his last hours he took me outside to do this and I rubbed his tummy and put his much beloved dust on him . He was very weak and I had to carry him most of the time on Xmas day.
Its been 2 days since I had to make that awful
decision to stop his suffering and I still feel him around me and imagine I see him or hear him, especially in the studio. I think I will always feel him around me when I’m working and will cherish the short time we had together.
I miss him deeply, he was my inspiration and my best friend.