The Old School House & Friends.

For the past decade or so, I have worked with an amazing group of women artists at the old schoolhouse in Badger Crk. Victoria. We meet up weekly to paint, throw around ideas, experiment and play with new, unusual, materials and techniques. This time is invaluable to me, as it, gives me a break from the usual, business side of making art and gets me out of the studio. We chat about our work, share ideas and discuss what’s happening in the world and our lives. Mostly,  it’s just a whole lot of fun, mucking around with good friends who happen to love making art.


Lately at the schoolhouse I have been working on some mixed media pieces with paint paper, cloth and thread.


I use thread and needle to make marks through the artwork.


Each stitch leads onto the next, weaving over the painting.


Found papers intermingle with rotted and rusted cloth.


I like to use off- cuts of textile, paper and patterns and throw it against slabs of paint and marks.


In the above artwork I am enjoying the contrast of the piece of vintage cross stitch, I found in an op shop once.


The stitches wander around and find their own place in their own time. I’m not in control and use the thread, as another tool to make marks.


I don want to make embroidery’s and my mistakes can be my jewels.


All these artworks are in progress and not yet finished. Some may just be experiments for fun and to learn from.





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