Archive for the ‘New Work’ Category

“Door to Door” Exhibition. Artaviso & No Vacancy Gallery.

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

Thanks Artaviso for selecting my artwork ” Iso Charging Machine” to be part of the “Door to Door” exhibition.

The first phase of Artaviso ‘s Door to Door project is now live! An evolving virtual exhibition that will culminate in a physical exhibition in November 2020 at No Vacancy Gallery in Melbourne.

Here’s the image of my entry showing the finished artwork followed by the page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge 1950s Encyclopedia (edited by Enid Blyton) which, selected at random, formed the basis of the artwork.


Check out my a mixed media artwork, Iso Charging Machine here

Check out the virtual exhibition “Door to Door” exhibition here

For sales enquiries please contact Hayley at @novacancygallery

Iso Charging Machine. Jenny Davis
Being ripped from our natural normal states, during unprecedented times, this machine collects our thoughts, ideas, emotions and turns them into ingots. A kind of sorting machine for making sense of thoughts and the human state. Using as a sorting machine we may then see the bigger picture.

Once filled, each ingot is ejected from the mould and left to simmer and collate. Upon settling, thoughts, ideas and emotions disperse into smaller sections. Once, we can identify and describe our own emotions, action, can then be taken, to sort, keep, or delete. Some gold, some less important.


Hot Studio. Paper Collage Making.

Monday, December 30th, 2019

Too hot to go to the studio today (43 C – 110 F) so I’m working in the house studio. Messing up the the large table, workbench, I just painted for Xmas dinner. It will now become stained and marked until, I paint it for the next event, or next lot of visitors.

Making collage with vintage and rust papers.

The process of tearing and pasting helps me to slow down and be in the moment. Something I need right now after the rush of appointments and Christmas.

I’m using lots of old paper and pages from antique French magazines disintegrated from age and torn from the long trip back in my luggage, from Paris.

So, I have been using them in my mixed media and collage projects.

On one trip to France I bought home a heap of middle eastern cake papers. I think they were $1 a pack. So I got a mix of colours. They are great for adding pattern and texture.

The inside of window envelopes have great patterns for collage. I often use envelopes to make little books and peepholes in the book pages.

Collages finished today.

Collage 1. Delivery

Collage 2. The Carriers

Collage 3. Mardlarking. Thames.

Collage 4. Salvage

Deep Purple on Rose On Cad. New Paintings & Collage.

Wednesday, August 14th, 2019

New collages and paintings now available in my gallery

Collages – created from vintage papers on 300gm thick water-colour paper. Some of the water- colour paper has been dyed and baked to give an aged appearance. Size 29 x 19cm.(Unframed) Signed with “Certificate of Authenticity”.  ( Please click on images to purchase artworks )


Sea Scaping
Jenny Davis
Flight 175
Jenny Davis
Birds Of
Jenny Davis
Jenny Davis

Paintings – Bright & bold abstract painting’s with splashes of deep, bright colours, with layers of marks and lines. On deep sided canvas. 92 x 92 x 2cm. (Unframed) Ready to hang. Signed by Artist with “Certificate of Authenticity” ( Please click on images to purchase artworks )

Deep Purple on Rose on Cad with Orange Splash
Jenny Davis
Deep Purple on Rose on Cad
Jenny Davis

FREE SHIPPING AUSTRALIA WIDE. Shipping 1-2 weeks Australia wide. Includes Tracking & Insurance.

For postage outside of Australia please request a quote. Please contact me prior to purchase with your address and I will quote you the extra cost for shipping & insurance to your location.

Delivery Times

Australia – usually within 7-14 days

International depending on country usually within 14-30 days of payment clearance.

Returns – Refunds
Outlook8studio is committed to ensuring the 100% satisfaction of our art collectors. We want you to be completely happy with your purchase. If you don’t like your artwork we have a 5 day cooling off period. Within this period you can return the artwork to us for a full refund. Shipping and insurance of the artwork back to us is at your own expense. We must receive the artwork back in the same condition you received it in order to receive a refund, less return shipping.

Please read our policy page before purchasing for more info.

New Colour. New Paintings.

Saturday, July 13th, 2019

I’ve spent the past week working on a new series of paintings. A parcel arrived in the post with big tubes of colour, I hadn’t used before. What could be more motivating to get me back in the studio, than, new art supplies, especially after weeks of medical and physio appointments getting in the way.

I didn’t want to open them and make dents in the big chunky tubes. When I finally did, it was quite confronting, to play with colour I knew nothing about. I took the plunge, slapped it on, moved it about, without thinking too much. Enjoying the colour, texture and flow of the paint. The process, I knew would take care of itself. I just had to be present, stand back, look and go back into it.

Quickly, I came up with the first layer which I was very happy with. Of course, I went back in with more layer’s wanting further depth and richness.

I now, look back at the photos, taken at the start of the process and maybe, I lost the freshness, freedom and flow of the marks I had at the start. Maybe, I didn’t need to go any further…

I believe sometimes, the essence of the story is at the beginning and “nothing else” is needed to tell it.

Back to the studio to play more, or leave alone.

Mixed Media Collage. 3 New Works on Paper.

Sunday, September 2nd, 2018

3 New mixed- media collages on 300gsm watercolour paper (Unframed).

I  like to create new visions, by recycling and dissecting vintage papers that I may, or not hand paint with acrylic paints and inks.

Process – On a background of strong 350gsm artist water- colour paper, I add layers of acrylic paints, fragments of vintage papers and random marks, using French ink pens.

Earth Renewable

Recycled Polyhedron

Recycled Symmetry



TurkRedghost Series. Textile Art. Antique & Vintage Textiles.

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

I grew up in a “make do and mend” family, where nothing much was thrown away and would be mended or, re-purposed into something else, therefore, many of my textile pieces are hand- made, created from antique & vintage sourced materials and may include, discarded, abandoned, found objects. I have been working with textiles all my life. My mother was a dressmaker and as a child, I would collect the fabric scraps and make wall hangings and soft sculpture.

“TurkRedghost” series

Sometimes the antique textiles I work with, seem to yell at me, but mostly, they lay silent, as I make my own marks alongside, others gone before. Ragged bits, old and new stitching, tracing marks left behind on old textiles are a reminder, of a time when women, had many obligations and few choices. I feel comfortable, as I stitch, tear, dye and reinforce the fragmented pieces. Somehow, I hope, in a small way, by reclaiming and reworking the textiles, I can give a voice to those women.

TurkRedghost 1

TurkRedghost 4

TurkRedghost 3

TurkRedghost 2

Yering Station Art Gallery & Spaces Below

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018

Current Exhibition in the Main Gallery at Yering Station –  10 April – 20 May.


Wallmatter, Oil paint on canvas, 140 x 180 cm

‘Spaces Below’ is a visual and textural descent into the abandoned, the derelict, the vacant and the forgotten. Through her utilisation of forlorn industrial structures, stained and crumbling walls, acts of graffiti, redundant signage, and portals giving access to meandering subterranean systems, Jenny Davis evokes a unique vision at once spare and lavish, material and ghostly. It is a vision that elevates the significance of random marks, stress fractures and other imperfections, while enfolding the viewer in an atmosphere of chromatically gentle and strangely opulent decay. The abstractions that haunt these works are investigations of the many traces that run like hieroglyphs and riddles across the surface of neglected structures.

Davis’s subterranean life began in childhood. Drawn to ‘small spaces’ where she wouldn’t be disturbed, she would play in drainpipes, on vacant industrial sites and in newly constructed buildings, often working discarded materials into makeshift furniture and decorative objects. After an arts residency in Barcelona in 2005 and a visit to France in 2006, Davis steered her arts practice toward spaces reminiscent of those early childhood memories. In researching and documenting understructures, abandoned buildings and marks left behind in the built environment, she found ‘beauty in decay, random marks, aerial perspectives, graffiti and weathered surfaces’. Ever attuned to the narrative and oneiric possibilities of timeworn surfaces, Davis’s latest exhibition creates an altogether seductive immateriality from abrasive mediums such as cement, iron and rust.

Davis’s practice spans twenty-five years and encompasses painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography, book arts, textiles, installation‚ video‚ sound and virtual worlds.  Her artwork has been exhibited in Australia, Germany, France, Spain, the UK and the US and is represented in numerous private and public collections. She has received awards and residencies both nationally and internationally, and her digital artworks have been projected onto buildings in Times Square, New York and in 2017 at The Venice Biennale 57. “La Biennale di Venezia” in Italy. Davis currently works from her studio in the Yarra Valley region of Victoria, Australia. By DR. Ewen Jarvis 2018

Wallmatter 5, Acrylic, shellac, pigment, sealer on canvas, 122 x 92 cm

For more information please contact

Dr Ewen Jarvis


Yering Station Art Gallery

38 Melba Highway

Yarra Glen Vic 3775

P + 61 3 9730 0100

M + 0400 894 646

“Spaces Below” Jenny Davis

Saturday, March 17th, 2018

Jenny Davis

Spaces Below

11th – April – 20th May

Official Opening: Friday April 13th –  6.00 – 7.30 pm

Dear Friends

Jenny Davis would like to invite you to her new exhibition, “Spaces Below”

 in the beautiful Yarra Valley, at the historical Yering Station at Yarra Glen in Victoria.

Exhibition runs – April 11th – May 20th

Address – Yering Station Art Gallery
38 Melba Highway Yarra Glen

Opening Times – Monday-Friday
10:00am – 5:00pm
Weekends & Public Holidays (including Anzac Long weekend)
10:00am – 6:00 pm


Commission from all sales will be donated to… L.A.R.C.H. 

(Leukaemia Auxiliary Royal Children’s Hospital)


For more information please contact

Dr Ewen Jarvis


Yering Station Gallery

PO Box 390

Yarra Glen Vic 3775

P + 61 3 9730 0100

M + 0400 894 646


Yering Station is located at 38 Melba Hwy Yering 3770 Victoria, Australia. Directions.

Pure Abstract Painting. Abstract Art. New Course.

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

Abstract art strips away the narrative, the real and expected visual story. It requires us to resolve a problem. We want to impose a rational explanation – or see something in abstract art so we feel comfortable. It makes our brains work harder and in a different way – at a subconscious level.




Maybe that’s why some people find abstract art more intimidating and are quick to dismiss it.



If you are interested in learning more about abstract art and how to create abstract paintings, I am in the process of creating my first online course. “Pure Abstract Painting”




This is something I have been wanting to do for many years and will let you know when my course is ready for enrollment.



A few abstract paintings I’ve been working on today.  I love the continual changes when working this way.




Happy New Year ! New Work. New Exhibition.

Saturday, January 13th, 2018

After, a much needed break it’s back to work for 2018. I’m getting all geared up for my next solo exhibition, in April. I’m just waiting on a paint delivery and sorting out the studio, before I start the new work.

During my break, I worked on my website and listed more paintings in my Gallery.

I will also be adding more paintings, mixed media and textile pieces shortly.


“Silver Cad Connections” 1 & 2

A static flow through and within .



“Lemon Under Cad”

It just is…



“Moment 3”

One fleeting moment. A thought caught in a fraction of time.



“Fleeting Moment 4”

One fleeting moment. A thought caught in a fraction of time.



“Fleeting Moment 5”

One fleeting moment. A thought caught in a fraction of time.





The Life of a Painting. Changing Back to Oil Paints.

Sunday, November 5th, 2017

A few years ago, I changed from oil paints, to acrylics, after I became allergic to the turps. I’m still not used to painting with acrylics as, I just love the lushness, depth and movement of oil paints. Something, I haven’t been able to achieve with acrylics. So, recently I bought some oil painting supplies, eco friendly turps, to see, if I’m still allergic to it.


The life of a Painting.

Oil paint , medium, wax on canvas















Sometimes I think, I should stop earlier, when its fresh and spontaneous, but usually keep going. I  just have to trust the process and know, that eventually, I will end up with something I’m happy with.

























I will revisit the painting, in a few days time to decide, whether I will take it further. At the moment, I’m feeling, times long past.

The Old School House & Friends.

Thursday, September 7th, 2017

For the past decade or so, I have worked with an amazing group of women artists at the old schoolhouse in Badger Crk. Victoria. We meet up weekly to paint, throw around ideas, experiment and play with new, unusual, materials and techniques. This time is invaluable to me, as it, gives me a break from the usual, business side of making art and gets me out of the studio. We chat about our work, share ideas and discuss what’s happening in the world and our lives. Mostly,  it’s just a whole lot of fun, mucking around with good friends who happen to love making art.


Lately at the schoolhouse I have been working on some mixed media pieces with paint paper, cloth and thread.


I use thread and needle to make marks through the artwork.


Each stitch leads onto the next, weaving over the painting.


Found papers intermingle with rotted and rusted cloth.


I like to use off- cuts of textile, paper and patterns and throw it against slabs of paint and marks.


In the above artwork I am enjoying the contrast of the piece of vintage cross stitch, I found in an op shop once.


The stitches wander around and find their own place in their own time. I’m not in control and use the thread, as another tool to make marks.


I don want to make embroidery’s and my mistakes can be my jewels.


All these artworks are in progress and not yet finished. Some may just be experiments for fun and to learn from.





New Paintings. Overland Nomadic Wandering.

Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

In the media we are bombarded with images relating to the massive global refugee problem. Links to the landscape, tracing the inhuman, nomadic chaos of the exiled, wandering the earth at this time in history. Each painting has been created, using acrylic paints and oil pigment on stretched canvas. Varies sizes.



Title –  Deep Blue Walking





Title –  Blue on Ochre on Cream





Title –  Blue on Ochre on Grey





Title –  Yellow Walking





Title –  White Trail Walking






Working with Textiles. Textile Collage & Drawing.

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

I am a visual artist who works with a range of mediums and my process varies.



I use which ever vehicle helps me to express my ideas. Each work informs the other and leads onto the next idea.



The collages I’m working on at the moment are a follow on from my hand sewn fabric pieces and with more experiments I can see 3d objects creeping in





Time, Change, Erosion and Decay + Freebie Rust Dyeing Tutorial

Friday, March 17th, 2017

The process of transformation. Time, change, erosion and decay are qualities I like to celebrate. I examine and explore, the properties and possibilities, of my material and want to push the boundaries of something to get a deeper understanding.

In my latest project, I’m working with textiles over a 100 years old. I want to work with the worn and deteriorated textiles and collaborate alongside those, who in the past, so carefully stitched, mended and created, the pieces for comfort and warmth.

Each piece was once, carefully hand -stitched and now, breaking down and worn. I have very selectivity pulled apart and unpicked areas, and kept some intact.

Some areas of fabric, are so badly worn it breaks in my hands, so I have to reinforce it. Most pieces though are just left in their original state.

I then, like to push the process further with, natural & rust dying methods, mark making, hand stitching and painting with caste iron, botanical paints.

Numerous times, I expose the materials to the elements to experience the changes.

Getting to the essence of my material helps me to translate and describe its being. I rarely know the outcome of my projects and just go with the flow.

Wanting to know how to rust – dye?  Please see my  free rust – dyeing tutorial

Stuck for Ideas.

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

Sometimes, when I’m stuck for ideas making artwork and it’s just not happening, I  like to throw a heap of things together and arrange them near my work.

The items, may relate in colour, texture and type or be opposing which, I find much more exciting. Your brain will automatically try to come up with solutions. Expanding your ideas and creating new ones.

The flow on of ideas is sometimes amazing. It can lead to, resolving the artwork in front of you, as well as, give you ideas for a whole new body of work.

Juxtaposition and connections of items together seems to work for me.

I believe there is a creative force that is connected to everything we do.

Château of Versailles and the beginning’s of something.

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

Château of Versailles and the beginnings of something.


Walking through the hundreds of rooms at Château of Versailles, I couldn’t help but notice, the old, stuffy smell and the sound of squeaky, footsteps upon the ancient floors. So, I made a sound video and took close up shots of the wallpapers and other surfaces.


I mainly had a fascination with the “over the top” décor, decorative surfaces and patterns.


Below the surfaces of this show of power and extravagance, was a history of passion, debauchery, sex, treachery, brutality, corruption, torture and death. I imagined the exotic and beautiful people, the power of the Kings, the abuse of women, Marie Antoinette and the peasants who starved in villages.


I also was taken back to my childhood, when, I enjoyed being in my own little world creating, away from the real world. My mum used to make gorgeous clothes with beautiful fabrics and trimmings and I was given the leftover’s. I taught myself to make collage’s, wall hangings, to decorate my room from a very young age.


When I was older, I decorated my bedroom with scarves, scraps of fabric and tacked up old bedspreads, made from cotton and woven fringes. The bedspreads became a wallpaper backdrop for my bed that I made into a couch.


I made heaps of cushions and would sit for hours reading, Go Set and TV Week, magazines. The pop star posters were stuck onto the other 3 walls and ceiling.


Since returning from France, I haven’t forgotten the over the top extravagance of Château of Versailles and have been playing around with a few ideas and may look into having an arts residency, nearby in the future.



Concretematter. New Sculpture in the Gallery.

Wednesday, July 27th, 2016

New Sculpture in the Gallery. Concretematter.

New sculpture available from my exhibition at The Memo,in Healesville Victoria Until Tues.16th August 2016

Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 16s

For more information please contact

Jade Bitar
Regional Exhibitions Officer
03 5965 3509 / 0419 384 526


To construct my 3D objects, I have used various methods: eco rust and Japanese Shibori dyeing, molding, casting, curing, sanding, chiselling, engraving, embedding, propagating, tearing, burning, sealing and finishing. To create the pieces, I combine hard and soft materials: industrial concrete, found packaging, lichen, moss, seaweed, vintage glass, cloth fragments and rusted found objects.


Concrete Sculpture 52a


Concrete Sculpture 2c


Concrete Sculpture 49a

Concrete Sculpture 47a

Jenny Davis_Concretematter_Wallmatter Ex 2016


Concrete Sculpture 44a


Concrete Sculpture 42a


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 small


Concrete Sculpture 37a


Concrete Sculpture 36a


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 17s


Concrete Sculpture 27a



Concrete Sculpture 32a


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 s


Concrete Sculpture 23a


Concrete Sculpture 24a




Concrete Sculpture 10a


Concrete Sculpture 11a


Concrete Sculpture m2


Concrete Sculpture 13j3


Concrete Sculpture 3d


Concrete Sculpture 3I


Wallmatter Exhibition Photos – Jenny Davis – 2016

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

Wallmatter Exhibition Photos – Jenny Davis – 2016

A huge thank you to everybody who attended the opening of my new exhibition Wallmatter last Saturday. A special thank you to all the people who helped me pull it altogether and make it a special day.  I feel so blessed and encouraged with all the support shown for my artwork and the new friendships I made.

Wallmatter continues until Tuesday August 16th at The Memo, Healesville Victoria. Free Entry. All artworks are for sale.

A few photos I took the next day as I forgot my camera on opening night.


An installation of paint, concrete, rust and
textiles, inspired by imperfections and
weathered surfaces, linking to the abandoned
and neglected spaces found in urban and rural

Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 5s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 4s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 16s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 3s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 8s

“Surfaces and objects touched by time tell a
story and are a raw reflection of their environment.
I want to highlight the significance of a random
mark, or the crumbling texture of a wall in an
underground space. They are evidence to a
previous time in history. My abstractions are
investigations into marks and traces left behind
in the urban and rural environment.”
– Jenny Davis, Artist


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 19s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 10s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 2s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 17s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 7s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 11s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 15s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 13s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 12s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 9s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 10s


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 14s

Crut. New Paintings. Cradled Boards.

Saturday, June 25th, 2016

Crut. New Paintings. Cradled Boards.

Jenny Davis_Crut_Acrylic paint oil paint on birch cradled Board under 2rgb


3 new paintings, well, it’s actually one painting, a triptych, I did for a recent art prize. Each painting was made with acrylic paint and small areas of oil paint on birch cradled boards.


Jenny Davis_2016_Crut_Acrylic Paint, Oil Paint on Birch Cradled Board 1


I love using boards for painting. The surface is much more forgiving than canvas. Perfect for the spontaneous, mark-making and material layering I tend to do.  I can scratch, sand, scrape back, engrave and it won’t tear, or break like canvas.


Jenny Davis_2016_Crut_Acrylic Paint, Oil Paint on Birch Cradled Board


If I could get larger cradled boards and still be able to lift them, I would be very happy. The size of these boards are 50 x 50cm. each. Overall size 150cm. x 50cm.


Jenny Davis_2016_Crut_Acrylic Paint, Oil Paint on Birch Cradled Board 2


About Crut

Communication to the masses. Text in the environment can mark territory, give control and can validate those, who don’t have a voice in the mainstream order. Through mark-making in the environment everybody can be heard. I see beauty and at times, desperation in the messages, found in the streets, and in the abandoned, underground and derelict spaces. Layers of tagging, graffiti and found marks on weathered surfaces tell stories about the past, present and future. Aesthetically they can be beautiful, even though they may have been painted illicitly on a wall, or other surface’s. My abstractions are investigations into, marks, traces and messages, left behind, in the urban and rural environment.


Jenny Davis_Crut_Acrylic paint oil paint on birch cradled Board under 2rgb