Archive for the ‘Melbourne Artist’ Category

New Colour. New Paintings.

Saturday, July 13th, 2019

I’ve spent the past week working on a new series of paintings. A parcel arrived in the post with big tubes of colour, I hadn’t used before. What could be more motivating to get me back in the studio, than, new art supplies, especially after weeks of medical and physio appointments getting in the way.

I didn’t want to open them and make dents in the big chunky tubes. When I finally did, it was quite confronting, to play with colour I knew nothing about. I took the plunge, slapped it on, moved it about, without thinking too much. Enjoying the colour, texture and flow of the paint. The process, I knew would take care of itself. I just had to be present, stand back, look and go back into it.

Quickly, I came up with the first layer which I was very happy with. Of course, I went back in with more layer’s wanting further depth and richness.

I now, look back at the photos, taken at the start of the process and maybe, I lost the freshness, freedom and flow of the marks I had at the start. Maybe, I didn’t need to go any further…

I believe sometimes, the essence of the story is at the beginning and “nothing else” is needed to tell it.

Back to the studio to play more, or leave alone.

The life of an Abstract Painting.

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019

It’s amazing how many stages an abstract painting goes through. Ive had the beginnings of this painting sitting in the studio a few months now. Its only recently, I started to photograph the process of painting. Eventually I want to do time lapse video’s while working, but not sure yet, how I will set up my camera.

I wanted to dirty it up a bit

Added some black lines and spaces

The red slowly crept in

More drawing with oil pigments below and the circle was bothering me so I took a risk and blocked it out with red. And that’s what its all about. Taking risks, going along with whatever comes along and using your gut feeling.

I’m pretty happy with the results but will sit with it for a while, before I touch it or, leave it alone. It’s only afterwards, I’ll see connections and links to the context or meaning. Sometimes though this happens when doing, but mainly it’s a play with colour, line and space and knowing when it’s resolved.

Tuesday, December 26th, 2017

Seasons Greetings to you all from Outlook8studio and all best wishes for a peaceful 2018. Many thanks for all your support over the years !