Posts Tagged ‘textile collage’

Old Army Blanket and Collage.

Friday, April 21st, 2017

Still working on small textile collages.



I found an old army blanket from my childhood and couldn’t resist  it’s raggedy worn, loveliness and further rusted it. Leaving it in the elements outside for a few weeks.



It can take ages moving pieces around to get the right composition.



then sometimes it just happens straight away.




Adding more marks…


The good thing about using a stretched canvas as a base, I can stitch right into it.

Just like using a embroidery hoop.


Working with Textiles. Textile Collage & Drawing.

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

I am a visual artist who works with a range of mediums and my process varies.



I use which ever vehicle helps me to express my ideas. Each work informs the other and leads onto the next idea.



The collages I’m working on at the moment are a follow on from my hand sewn fabric pieces and with more experiments I can see 3d objects creeping in





Stuck for Ideas.

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

Sometimes, when I’m stuck for ideas making artwork and it’s just not happening, I  like to throw a heap of things together and arrange them near my work.

The items, may relate in colour, texture and type or be opposing which, I find much more exciting. Your brain will automatically try to come up with solutions. Expanding your ideas and creating new ones.

The flow on of ideas is sometimes amazing. It can lead to, resolving the artwork in front of you, as well as, give you ideas for a whole new body of work.

Juxtaposition and connections of items together seems to work for me.

I believe there is a creative force that is connected to everything we do.