Posts Tagged ‘antique fabric’

Fragments. An old chair. Inspiration for new work.

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

As a small child I pulled things apart. Even, before I could talk, I ripped apart dolls and toys. I used to make little displays, installations of the fragments and other discarded things. Today I still pull things apart. I find fragments more pleasing and sometimes, even more interesting than the original object.



Recently, I pulled apart an old chair that had been hanging around for years. The wood was still good. The cloth and leather had grit and rust, just perfect for sculpture. The rustic bits and pieces also related to some textile fragments, I unpicked from an 1800’s, quilt topper. I’m still working on outcomes and painting has crept in too. Below are some pics of the process.






Old Army Blanket and Collage.

Friday, April 21st, 2017

Still working on small textile collages.



I found an old army blanket from my childhood and couldn’t resist  it’s raggedy worn, loveliness and further rusted it. Leaving it in the elements outside for a few weeks.



It can take ages moving pieces around to get the right composition.



then sometimes it just happens straight away.




Adding more marks…


The good thing about using a stretched canvas as a base, I can stitch right into it.

Just like using a embroidery hoop.