Posts Tagged ‘creative thoughts’

Concrete & Textiles

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

I’m not sure, if I’m finished with concrete & textiles, I was using a few years ago.. I’m thinking of very fragile wafers of concrete, sewn into, like sutures closing a wound, enhancing and protecting scars on delicate skin. Maybe it’s time to play some more…

‘Happy New Year ” & New Thoughts

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!! Best Wishes for an extraordinary year ahead.

As usual an artist’s work is never done. So many ideas and projects I want to do over the next couple of years I just hope to have enough energy and money to keep up with it.

A few thoughts came to me recently……

I like the idea of artists diversifying and crossing over into other areas with their work. I like to think the role of an artist is to leave the audience astonished, unsettled, to give something exciting , new and innovative and to experiment and not just think of art in a frame mentality.

Conceiving art as an “experience”, not just viewed at and moved on.

Over the past couple of years, my work has been moving in all directions. I thought I was an Abstract painter only, but now, I also delve into sculpture, collage, video, photography, art publishing , design, wearable art, handmade crafts etc and the lists goes on and on.

So , as an artist, whatever you are doing at the time, that’s your art and labeling yourself as a certain type of artist can be so restricting and may not allow ideas to grow and flourish.

By working this way while, keeping an open mind, it allows me to discover new ways, of self expression at a more deeper level. At the same time, I feel more connected to the world, past, present and future.

I’m more in tune, alert.

Discoveries, are exciting and stimulating for the artist. It helps me to progress in my work and learn new ways of looking, doing and thinking enhancing my arts practice…….

So, whatever art you do, use your “artspace” for confrontation, clash for the unexpected with a non- programed response and it may lead you to other things. Experiment and venture into areas where you have no experience and see what happens …..