As mentioned in my previous post, here are some photographs from my published article in “Sew Somerset Summer 2016” magazine on, how to make your own mixed media collage’s, from vintage, Pulp Fiction paperback books or, any other damaged books.
I love reclaiming and re-using, old tattered books that would otherwise, be tossed in the garbage giving them a new life and a new meaning. Instead of them being destroyed and forgotten.
I collect discarded objects and litter from the streets, along with items people would otherwise throw away and use them in my art and installation work. I physically dismantle my collected items, and then reassemble them, with the intention to reconstruct its purpose, from its earlier meaning and appearance.
My artworks are little mixed-media collage’s, created from, vintage “Pulp Fiction” book pages, old linen cloth, thread, paint, coloured pencils and ink.
As a thank you to all my readers Use Coupon Code PUBL0616 for a 50% discount on this magazine when you checkout at, and buy four (4) or more copies of the title. Click on image below!
Tags: abstract art, artist jenny davis, contemporary art, magazine article, mixed media, mixed media art, outlook8studio, publication, Recycling, sew somerset, textile art