Posts Tagged ‘old clothing’

The Power of an Object. Identity through Object.

Sunday, November 12th, 2017

One of my life- time interests is collecting vintage, antique and found objects. I believe, through objects, stories can be told, and through imagination, new ones found.

Objects and their stories, often inspire my art making too. I deconstruct items for sculpture. Old clothing and antique quilts, are often used in textile pieces, artist books and collage. Aged  surfaces and patinas of collections, make their way into my abstract paintings, too.



Lately, I have been asking myself a few questions about, collecting and identity. Especially after the passing of my step father a few years ago, when I had the huge task, of cleaning out his house and shed. Overwhelming at times, the hoard, has found it’s way into my life & studio



Having only known him for a short time, (5yrs) I’ve discovered, through his belongings and objects, a hidden or, new identity.



Strangely , I now find myself imagining, a new “make believe identity” through the objects he hoarded



This has lead me to many questions…

When alive, do we really know a person? and can things and objects help us to see, a new, or different identity?

Through objects and belongings, can we feel connected to that person?

Can objects change, how we see others & ourselves?






Old Clothes. Re-Cycling. Art Making.

Monday, February 9th, 2015

Before, I throw anything away, I like to see if I can use it in my creative ideas. Not only am I dealing with issues concerning, over- consumption, re- cycling & renewing, I also love using the found material and always have a ready supply of art materials available.


Recently, I acquired a large amount of men’s ties, I’m pulling apart, to create abstract paintings.


I also have 3 wardrobes of old clothing, I’m slowly, using to make textile art pieces, books and more. The physical act of pulling apart and de-constructing my own clothing, connects me to the textures, memories and history of the piece. The materials are then, made into new ideas, re- introduced and re- valued.


Paper packaging, used coffee filters, table napkins and clothing dyed and baked in coffee, tea and rust




Vintage jumpers, jeans and shirts, torn and cut ready for book-making and other projects




Artwork in progress using scraps of vintage sheer curtain and upholstery material, rust dyed.
