Art myths & making a living from your art
A few of my thoughts about making a living from art…
The old myth about the “starving artist”, is just that and doesn’t have to be that way. Of course you can go around thinking like that, but in the end you will become the kind artist you believe. If you believe you can be successful in what you do, you will be.
To be a successful artist, as well as, make a living from your art, I believe, you need to treat your arts practice, as a business.
From my own experience I have learnt.
1. Believe in yourself and make great art.
2. Make a decision to create on a regular basis. It doesn’t have to be a large amount of time, just do it. This allows your art and ideas to evolve and develop to a level you are happy with.
3. You need to be prepared to spend a lot of time on the business side of your arts practice; marketing , promoting , creating & maintaining online websites for your art, blogging, chasing up leads, exhibitions, competitions,networking, socializing on-line and outside, forums, research, mailing lists, packaging, sales, customs & postage, sourcing materials, applications, grants, taxes etc. I could go on and on….
4. Think outside the box and look at all the opportunities, possibilities & technologies available to the artist today.
5. Be open to new ways of getting your art out there in the world. Not only in the traditional ways, but also in non traditional ways.
6. Dont be afraid to use your art in other ways. Your not prostituting yourself as an artist, or compromising your art by doing this, because, no matter what you create, you will only let go of ones you are happy with anyway.
I think an artist can make a very good living from their art today.
Here is an interesting video I found at Insider Art.
The Wealthy Artist: 6 Myths and 6 Tips on Marketing your Art
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