When is a painting finished ?

This painting was started about 6 weeks ago and is still morphing…

Jenny Davis_ Painting in Progress S

Beginning with large areas of loose colour. I lived with it and watched




I tightened it up with more colour, dribbles and abstract geometric forms. For the next week I watched again…


Jenny Davis_ Paint in Progress 5


Still not satisfied, I threw it on the floor and used, bucket and broom, to scrub, pour & glaze with puddles of watery acrylic paint and Gesso to muddy it up


Jenny Davis_ Paint in Progress 2

Jenny Davis_ Paint in Progress 4

Once dry, I worked into the forms to bring them back again


Jenny Davis_ Paint in Progress 7

Recently, I scrubbed away more areas, added several paint glazes and played across the surface with oil pastel for days



When is a painting finished?

It will tell me…

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