Posts Tagged ‘passed on’

My best friend Rebel.

Saturday, December 27th, 2008

REBEL 1996-2008

Xmas day 2008 my best friend and studio cat Rebel passed away after a chronic illness.

About Rebel

My cat Rebel was my best friend he spent most of his days lounging around in the studio helping me create.

Every morning he would greet me on the ramp outside the studio door for me to open up and I would open it up for him regardless of whether I was going to work in the studio or not.

Once inside he would make his home either on the wind up office chair,the bench or the banana lounge out on the balcony.

One of his pastimes was catching mozzies, twirling his head around snapping and eating them.

On hot days he would annoy me by walking all over my work until I took him outside to the dirt road for a roll and tummy rub. This was something he loved and even in his last hours he took me outside to do this and I rubbed his tummy and put his much beloved dust on him . He was very weak and I had to carry him most of the time on Xmas day.

Its been 2 days since I had to make that awful

decision to stop his suffering and I still feel him around me and imagine I see him or hear him, especially in the studio. I think I will always feel him around me when I’m working and will cherish the short time we had together.

I miss him deeply, he was my inspiration and my best friend.

A very SPECIAL cat I will never forget.