Posts Tagged ‘Wine Labels’

Merci! Merci! Merci!

Friday, May 13th, 2011

My French son-in-law can be so much fun. When I go over to Paris we both go out and glean stuff off the streets. We do it on foot as we don’t have a car. Usually we leave my daughter at home as she is not as keen as us, to collect what we like. Once we are back at the apartment with our stash, I sift through it and set aside a little to play with and then I send the rest back home to Australia.

I haven’t been to France for over a year now and today I received a mysterious brown box in the post from Paris.I wasn’t expecting anything so, I was very excited to open it.

I eagerly opened the box and inside was a gorgeous pile of stuff. When I say stuff, I don’t mean glamorous things from Paris, like Loreal , Chanel or Louis Vuitton hand bags. I mean, the box was a treasure trove of French ‘detritus” litter, junk, rubbish. Stuff that usually goes into landfill, stuff gleaned from the streets of Paris. Food packaging, pretty boxes, champagne bottle tops, clothing tags, fabric scraps, glow in the dark bits of plastic, advertising and all kind of paper ephemera plus a replenish supply of baguette bags for my handmade books ….

All this wonderful stuff I reclaim and use in my collage and sculpture.

Merci, Merci , Merci !  Davidx

View my video on “Gleaning Paris for Art Materials”






Wine Labels as Art

Saturday, November 27th, 2010

Thank you  Tyrrell’s wineMirvac and  Sebel Heritage



“Outlook View”
Thinking of my home when I was in Europe.
This is the digital art print created from a
section of one of my original oil paintings for a wine label




Last night I attended a cocktail evening at the Sebel Heritage in the Yarra Valley. The whole idea of the evening was to introduce exhibiting artists to the new manager to chat about the current Yarra Valley Arts exhibition displayed at the resort.What a nice surprise I had when they announced my painting “Outlook View” was the winning entry for the Tyrrell’s Wine label competition. I was so excited, especially as I’d forgotten I entered the competition.



As an artist I love the idea that my art will travel, “Nomad Art” on a wine bottle.

Why should art be only framed on a gallery wall?

Although I didn’t get paid in money for my design I couldn’t think of a better marketing tool for getting my art seen and tasted:). The exposure for my art will be extensive, especially as Tyrrell’s wine is sold widely in Australia and exported all over the world. I was also presented with the new wine label beautifully framed, a gift card from Mirvac hotels & resorts and the most beautiful bunch of flowers. In the future I may even receive a case of the wine with my artwork.

Winning the competition also got me thinking a lot about the art on a wine label…

I know, when I buy a bottle of wine, I choose it primarily for its label. If the label is dull and boring visually, I won’t buy it. I also think the design of a wine label could make or break a new wine introduced to the market.

Do you choose a wine by the label?

A list of artists who have created a Château Mouton Rothschild label. Many of the artists received no payment for the work, but were given cases of wine, including of the vintage which they have illustrated.
• 1924: Jean Carlu
• 1945: Philippe Jullian
• 1946: Jean Hugo
• 1947: Jean Cocteau
• 1948: Marie Laurencin
• 1949: André Dignimont
• 1950: Arnulf
• 1951: Marcel Vertès
• 1952: Léonor Fini
• 1953: Centenary year commemoration
• 1954: Jean Carzou
• 1955: Georges Braque
• 1956: Pavel Techelitchew
• 1957: André Masson
• 1958: Salvador Dalí
• 1959: Richard Lippold
• 1960: Jacques Villon
• 1961: Georges Mathieu
• 1962: Matta
• 1963: Bernard Dufour
• 1964: Henry Moore
• 1965: Dorothea Tanning
• 1966: Pierre Alechinsky
• 1967: César
• 1968: Bona
• 1969: Joan Miró
• 1970: Marc Chagall
• 1971: Wassily Kandinsky
• 1972: Serge Poliakoff
• 1973: Pablo Picasso (posthumous recognition – in memoriam, as he had died in Mougins in April of that year)
• 1974: Robert Motherwell
• 1975: Andy Warhol
• 1976: Pierre Soulages
• 1977: Tribute to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, who stayed at the chateau in April 1977
• 1978: Jean-Paul Riopelle (2 labels)
• 1979: Hisao Domoto
• 1980: Hans Hartung
• 1981: Arman
• 1982: John Huston
• 1983: Saul Steinberg
• 1984: Agam
• 1985: Paul Delvaux
• 1986: Bernard Séjourné
• 1987: Hans Erni
• 1988: Keith Haring
• 1989: Georg Baselitz
• 1990: Francis Bacon
• 1991: Setsuko
• 1992: Per Kirkeby
• 1993: Balthus (2 labels)
• 1994: Karel Appel
• 1995: Antoni Tàpies
• 1996: Gu Gan
• 1997: Niki de Saint Phalle
• 1998: Rufino Tamayo
• 1999: Raymond Savignac
• 2000: Special gold enamel relief of the “Augsburg Ram” in the Mouton museum
• 2001: Robert Wilson
• 2002: Ilya Kabakov
• 2003: 150th Birthday Tribute
• 2004: Charles, Prince of Wales
• 2005: Giuseppe Penone
• 2006: Lucian Freud