Posts Tagged ‘home decor’

Playtime. 30 Days of Collage.

Saturday, November 2nd, 2013

On Monday I start a new art course, “30 Days of Collage” by Stephanie Levy

Image copyright Stephanie Levy 2013

Image copyright Stephanie Levy 2013

I love creating collage and think this course will help me to free up to experiment and play instead of being so serious and restricted when creating collage. I want to feel free to play with the process without worrying about the end result. Just like when creating my abstract paintings

I love Stephanie’s Art and thought her course would be perfect for this.

Images copyright Stephanie Levy

Image copyright Stephanie Levy 2013

I’m really looking forward to the interviews with 10 top collage artists from around the world who will share their tips and give us peeks at their art and arts practice.

We will be creating our own collage materials and learn how to decorate and paint our own unique papers. As well, I get to recycle and use up, my huge collection of vintage papers, fabrics, wallpapers and junk to make beautiful artworks and make room in my studio for new art projects.



“A Bunch of Dirty Books” and more

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

Over the past few months I have been making art inside the house as the studio has been cold this winter. One day, when all my exhibitions are “sell-outs”, I will be able to install adequate heating in the studio. Until then,I just wear extra hats, scarves and jackets.

Lately, I have become quite addicted to bookmaking and drawing. This year I’ve made all kinds of books, using recycled, vintage papers, wallpaper, fabric and canvas mixed with found objects and new materials.

My latest “A Bunch of Dirty Books’  are made from damaged vintage medical and natural scientist books. I dirtied the pages from an old dye recipe I found and will work within the pages and eventually make an edition of around 100 or more.