Archive for the ‘artsy shark’ Category

Selling Art Online.

Friday, January 31st, 2014

This article got me thinking…

Art Galleries, Art Sales and the Internet: A Survey  


I can remember in 2000 thinking how I had to change the way I did things as an artist. After receiving injuries in a car accident I needed to find new ways to market and promote my artwork to the outside world


So, I had a website designed where I could show, sell and write about my artwork and other related things of interest


I believed at the time that an online portfolio was the way to go and that eventually every artist and gallery would do all their arts business online.

Jenny Davis_Thinking_Mixed Media Collage

Showcasing my art online allows me to work in reasonable physical comfort, for short amounts of time on my arts business. My website generates interest for my work from local and international audiences. I have received contacts from gallery directors, collectors, several awards, art residencies and invitations to exhibit my work in many countries


After 24 years having this website I have now updated to another website where I sell and continue to write blogs.  A website allows me the freedom to control and curate my own exhibitions online. I can write on my blog and participate with other artists worldwide in collaborative art projects and exhibitions

I can set up a portfolio where my artwork is for sale


Being online gets me out of my “studio mind” so I can network, share my thoughts, skills and ideas with others, as well as, sell my art to an international audience.

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Featured Artist at “Artsy Shark”

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Latest news!

I’ve just been featured at Artsy Shark. Thank you!  Carolyn Edlund for all your hard work and for doing such a great job promoting artists and getting their work seen.

Featured Artist Jenny Davis
Artsy Shark presents Australian artist Jenny Davis. Her mixed media work uses recycled and reclaimed materials. Enjoy her portfolio and see more about Jenny here.

Jenny Davis is an Australian artist, working from studios in Victoria, Australia and Paris, France, where she sometimes lives. As an artist, she enjoys working in many disciplines including: painting, sculpture, photography, installation, video, collage, recycled design, sound and virtual worlds. Jenny has shown her work in many countries, including Australia, Germany, Spain, France and USA. Her work is in private and public collections across Australia, UK, Europe and the U.S.A.

Starting out primarily as an abstract painter and sculptor, Jenny’s arts practice has evolved and crosses over into many areas and disciplines. Recycling and reusing items in her work is very important. Stuff that usually goes into landfills and gleaned from the streets of Melbourne and Paris, or wherever she travels. Street litter, food packaging, advertising materials, advertising materials and all kind of paper ephemera are collected and saved for this purpose.

“All this wonderful stuff I reclaim and use in my collage and sculpture.”

“My source of creativity is spontaneous. It can mean spending days even weeks in the studio and strange places contemplating and “collecting energy”. Once I focus and sit with that energy it can take off in all areas. I then definitely need to put down a feeling or emotion, with colour, marks, words, assembled objects, or digital images still and moving. Whatever it takes to get it out! I use various techniques, materials and tools to realize my ideas.

The same goes with my photography. It’s spontaneous and unrehearsed. I like to tell strange stories with my photography and will put myself in uncomfortable spaces to achieve this. I have a wonderful space I found in Paris, I call the dungeon. I can spend hours down there waiting for something to take off. “

At the moment, I am fascinated by the narrative we tell ourselves, when placed in unfamiliar situations. Our mind seems to fly into “spontaneous imagination” and not focus in the moment. I want to seize those imaginary stories and create something with it.

I love spaces underground. There’s a life underneath the earth, and people don’t know about it, but it’s very busy and living, I have taken photos of the Eiffel Tower but I go under it, and look at closer fragments. I’m inspired by many things: Creative minds, Science as art, varies art movements and artists, Ernst, Miro, Tapies, Surrealism, Dada, Abstract Expressionists’, Natural history, Psychology, de-construction , Chaos theory, collecting found- objects and street litter, graffiti, street art, books, vintage and antique, travel and more.