Concretematter. New Sculpture in the Gallery.

New Sculpture in the Gallery. Concretematter.

New sculpture available from my exhibition at The Memo,in Healesville Victoria Until Tues.16th August 2016

Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 16s

For more information please contact

Jade Bitar
Regional Exhibitions Officer
03 5965 3509 / 0419 384 526


To construct my 3D objects, I have used various methods: eco rust and Japanese Shibori dyeing, molding, casting, curing, sanding, chiselling, engraving, embedding, propagating, tearing, burning, sealing and finishing. To create the pieces, I combine hard and soft materials: industrial concrete, found packaging, lichen, moss, seaweed, vintage glass, cloth fragments and rusted found objects.


Concrete Sculpture 52a


Concrete Sculpture 2c


Concrete Sculpture 49a

Concrete Sculpture 47a

Jenny Davis_Concretematter_Wallmatter Ex 2016


Concrete Sculpture 44a


Concrete Sculpture 42a


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 small


Concrete Sculpture 37a


Concrete Sculpture 36a


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 17s


Concrete Sculpture 27a



Concrete Sculpture 32a


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 s


Concrete Sculpture 23a


Concrete Sculpture 24a




Concrete Sculpture 10a


Concrete Sculpture 11a


Concrete Sculpture m2


Concrete Sculpture 13j3


Concrete Sculpture 3d


Concrete Sculpture 3I


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