Archive for the ‘Sculpture Exhibition’ Category

Concretematter. New Sculpture in the Gallery.

Wednesday, July 27th, 2016

New Sculpture in the Gallery. Concretematter.

New sculpture available from my exhibition at The Memo,in Healesville Victoria Until Tues.16th August 2016

Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 16s

For more information please contact

Jade Bitar
Regional Exhibitions Officer
03 5965 3509 / 0419 384 526


To construct my 3D objects, I have used various methods: eco rust and Japanese Shibori dyeing, molding, casting, curing, sanding, chiselling, engraving, embedding, propagating, tearing, burning, sealing and finishing. To create the pieces, I combine hard and soft materials: industrial concrete, found packaging, lichen, moss, seaweed, vintage glass, cloth fragments and rusted found objects.


Concrete Sculpture 52a


Concrete Sculpture 2c


Concrete Sculpture 49a

Concrete Sculpture 47a

Jenny Davis_Concretematter_Wallmatter Ex 2016


Concrete Sculpture 44a


Concrete Sculpture 42a


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 small


Concrete Sculpture 37a


Concrete Sculpture 36a


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 17s


Concrete Sculpture 27a



Concrete Sculpture 32a


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Exhibition_2016 s


Concrete Sculpture 23a


Concrete Sculpture 24a




Concrete Sculpture 10a


Concrete Sculpture 11a


Concrete Sculpture m2


Concrete Sculpture 13j3


Concrete Sculpture 3d


Concrete Sculpture 3I


Concrete. Rust. Textile. Sculpture. Work in the Studio.

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

Concrete. Rust. Textile. Sculpture. Work in the Studio.

Experiments with concrete, rust and textiles in developing sculpture.




Junk packaging for mold making




Taped up packaging filled with concrete, rust and cloth.




Poured wet concrete sculpture




A series of 3D objects in the making




The first raw reveal after 24 hours. At this stage, I need to make my final decisions and changes to this sculpture, while the concrete is still soft enough to work with. I discovered in some of my earlier experiments, once its rock hard, its more difficult to work with.


Jenny Davis_ Concrete textile Sculpture 1st reveal s


I am still working on this series of sculptures using concrete, rust and textiles that will be part of my “Wallmatter” exhibition.