Posts Tagged ‘shibori’

Experiments with Concrete Cloth and Rust. Sculpture.

Sunday, May 15th, 2016

Experiments with Concrete Cloth and Rust. Sculpture.

Just a quick update about what Ive been doing lately.




Work for my exhibition was almost finished, until, I discovered a bunch of rusted textiles Id forgotten about. Now, I want to make more sculpture. A solid form with thin wafers of cloth, concrete and rust.


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Today, I’m heading into the studio to work out how to achieve this. Wet concrete is very formless so pouring, layer, upon layer of cloth then, concrete, in a mold, just wouldn’t work. The cloth would get covered with concrete on the outer edges and I want slices of cloth sticking out and visible on the outside.


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Funny thing is, when I Googled it, all I came up with was my own experiments and work with concrete, cloth and rust.


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Sculpture_ 2016


So, I’m now in the process of inventing how to do this:)

More details about my “Wallmatter” exhibition coming soon!



Concrete. Rust. Textile. Sculpture. Work in the Studio.

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

Concrete. Rust. Textile. Sculpture. Work in the Studio.

Experiments with concrete, rust and textiles in developing sculpture.




Junk packaging for mold making




Taped up packaging filled with concrete, rust and cloth.




Poured wet concrete sculpture




A series of 3D objects in the making




The first raw reveal after 24 hours. At this stage, I need to make my final decisions and changes to this sculpture, while the concrete is still soft enough to work with. I discovered in some of my earlier experiments, once its rock hard, its more difficult to work with.


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I am still working on this series of sculptures using concrete, rust and textiles that will be part of my “Wallmatter” exhibition.


Rust & Shibori. Vintage Cigar Tins. Work in Progress.

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

Rust & Shibori. Vintage Cigar Tins. Work in Progress.

A heap of vintage cigar tins in the process of change.


Jenny Davis_Work in progress_Cigar tin lot


Vintage buckle, Japanese Shibori dyed scrap. Rusty fence wires and Victorian silk buttons were purchased from Penny’s antique and vintage mixed media supplies.  Faginsdaughter


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Old rusted door lock and fence wire with weaving made from beach- combed finds and indigo cotton string.


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The beginnings of a textile book.

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Rust and indigo dyed wall piece


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Finally, another tin. Metal detector find, central Victoria, 1800’s suspender buckle, rusty wire and rust indigo dyed doily scrap. Unfortunately the beautiful buckle broke in this installation. It could be made from gold, as it was very soft.


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I may use some of these artworks in my next solo exhibition, “Wallmatter” in July

Japanese Shibori Workshop. Indigo Dyeing

Friday, February 5th, 2016

I recently spent a very enjoyable Saturday at Craftschooloz learning the Japanese dyeing technique Shibori. This involves folding, twisting or bunching cloth and binding it, then dyeing it in beautiful indigo.

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I wanted to see what effect the indigo dye would have on some of my previously rust dyed, lace and doily’s


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So, I clamped several wooden shapes over the areas where I didn’t want the indigo dye to seep in


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I was very happy with the result


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Old tablecloth, cotton fabrics and string


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Some beautiful dyed cloth from other people at the workshop


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This vintage tablecloth was clamped with shapes. The cloth had been previously dyed with rust and tea


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The Shibori method worked extremely well with all my pieces of vintage French lace, cotton, string and doily’s


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I love how indigo has many shades of greys, as well as blue, depending on what stage of fermentation, the dye vat is at


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Playing with some ideas…Victorian silk buttons


Jenny Davis_Assemblage a_ Found Objectss


buckles and rusty bits


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and doily’s


Jenny Davis_Assemblage 4_ Found Objects lsmall