Posts Tagged ‘concretestructures’

Concrete & Textiles

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

I’m not sure, if I’m finished with concrete & textiles, I was using a few years ago.. I’m thinking of very fragile wafers of concrete, sewn into, like sutures closing a wound, enhancing and protecting scars on delicate skin. Maybe it’s time to play some more…

“Just turn up and the work will show itself”. New Work.

Monday, February 15th, 2016

I’m not sure where I’ve heard this, but fully believe in this saying,

“Just turn up and the work will show itself”

Today, I headed to the studio and let go of all the pressure, I had been putting on myself for weeks, about starting new work for my next exhibition.


Jenny Davis_Concrete Mixed Media 6a


I sat for awhile without any expectations, trying to connect to something.


Jenny Davis_Concrete Mixed Media s7


I then started playing around with materials, I hadn’t used since art school


Jenny Davis_Concrete Mixed Media 4s


and after finding some leftover weathered metal from my welding days


Jenny Davis_Concrete Mixed Media 5s


my ideas eventually came together.



Jenny Davis_Concrete Mixed Media 10s


By just letting go and believing in the creative process


Jenny Davis_Concrete Mixed Media 2s


I now, have a better idea of where I’m heading with my project


Jenny Davis_Concrete Mixed Media 9s


and some of the materials I will be using.


Jenny Davis_Concrete Mixed Media 8s



My favourite artist of the month. Anselm Kiefer.

Saturday, March 9th, 2013


My favourite artist of the month is Anselm Kiefer. A German artist who creates paintings and monumental installations with crusted surfaces, incorporating, lead, concrete, ash, acid, earth, glass and gold, broken glass, oil, emulsion, shellac, acrylic and raw materials from nature.


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I particularly like Kiefer’s ambitious project of transforming an old derilict silk factory in La Ribaute France into a monumental studio art complex where he created his monumental works. He dug out underground chambers, tunnels, to create living and working spaces  set amongst strange, reinforced, concrete towers and bunkers, woods and caves. There was even a crypt, an amphitheatre and underground pool.

A trailer from the movie “Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow” about Kiefer’s last days at the studio.


Robert Hughes on Anselm Kiefer


A record of an assistant’s time with Anselm Kiefer from his studio in Barjac. This was in 1999 -2000.