Archive for the ‘art process’ Category

Letting Go of Precious Things…

Thursday, January 11th, 2024


The 2 vintage boxes above grabbed me today and got me thinking…. I found them on one of my trips to France in a little old messy antique/secondhand corner shop in Asnieres sur Seine. I kept them as an item I thought I would eventually sell in my vintage shop Ateliernostagi

Now, I find them too precious to let go of. Instead I’ve decided to use them in a future art project.

Look at those marks….


Life is too short to hold onto precious things and pack them away into boxes and cupboards. Waiting for the perfect time to use them or, pass onto family and friends, who really aren’t as interested in them as you are.

Enjoy and use them while your still here!


To me, they look like some sort of storage box that may have held wooden or metal letter stamps. Maybe a hold for jewelers burs, or counters…

What do you think they might have been used for?

In the Studio

Wednesday, February 5th, 2020

In the studio. The beginnings of my first painting and series for 2020.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 5 … Made a few more changes to the painting today. Still a way to go.

A week later

Finished painting. Minimal flat, top surfaces, with many transparent underlays of colour, marks, drips and splashes. I don’t want the edges of the painting to be contained so, I’m not sure if I would frame this. Untitled for now. 90 x 90 x 2 cm. Acrylic paint on stretched canvas.

Concrete & Textiles

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

I’m not sure, if I’m finished with concrete & textiles, I was using a few years ago.. I’m thinking of very fragile wafers of concrete, sewn into, like sutures closing a wound, enhancing and protecting scars on delicate skin. Maybe it’s time to play some more…

Giving vintage textiles a new life.

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

Recently, a very kind lady donated her mothers doilies to me, for my next textile, art project. Though I have found it hard, rusting and burying this lot, I was re-assured that her mother would be happy to know they were given to someone who would give them a new life. 

I’ts been perfect weather lately for rusting and burying.

After a good soak with white vinegar I wrap some with wire.

Mostly, I just lay the the cloth under a slabs of metal sheets, left over from my studio build then stack on top of one another.

I like to get them all dirty by burying them and stacking a heaver tray and rocks on top. I leave them there from 24 hrs. or, many months until I get the look I’m after.

4 weeks underground. Final unveiling just before dunking in a sink of water and bicarb soda, to stop rusting process.

This piece really excites me with the intense rust and black marks.

Such gorgeous delicate lace work crochet in this doily.

Rust n dirt with tiny black marks and colourful hand embroidery.

Rust with the contrast of beautiful hand embroidery peeking through.

A lovely bundle of vintage rust material ready to go for new projects.

New Colour. New Paintings.

Saturday, July 13th, 2019

I’ve spent the past week working on a new series of paintings. A parcel arrived in the post with big tubes of colour, I hadn’t used before. What could be more motivating to get me back in the studio, than, new art supplies, especially after weeks of medical and physio appointments getting in the way.

I didn’t want to open them and make dents in the big chunky tubes. When I finally did, it was quite confronting, to play with colour I knew nothing about. I took the plunge, slapped it on, moved it about, without thinking too much. Enjoying the colour, texture and flow of the paint. The process, I knew would take care of itself. I just had to be present, stand back, look and go back into it.

Quickly, I came up with the first layer which I was very happy with. Of course, I went back in with more layer’s wanting further depth and richness.

I now, look back at the photos, taken at the start of the process and maybe, I lost the freshness, freedom and flow of the marks I had at the start. Maybe, I didn’t need to go any further…

I believe sometimes, the essence of the story is at the beginning and “nothing else” is needed to tell it.

Back to the studio to play more, or leave alone.

New Work. Abstract Paintings

Friday, May 17th, 2019

I use my work as a way to process whatever I’m seeing or thinking at the time. This can be purely self indulgent and personal, as well as sometimes, tapping into a broader or shared concern.

I like to let people bring their own thoughts to a piece. My work is the entry point, then people might be inclined to look harder and tease out other thoughts and connections to the work. 

Time & Nature

Sunday, February 3rd, 2019

Exploring objects and textiles is keeping me away from painting in the studio at the moment, but that’s ok, because I’m not just a painter…..

Today, I have been working with time and nature but, now it’s too hot to do anything much, as the temp in the valley has reached 39 Celsius and getting hotter.

I get torn between contemporary and lush, extravagant. Old bones, textiles, rusted wires, watch faces, bits of stick with moss , vintage cosmetic bottles and handmade French influenced, embellishments are on my bench.

Memories and feelings keep flooding back from my times spent in France. Especially touched by Versailles palace and other places in Europe and England. Old history feeds my creativity.

Old rusted wire and found textiles are twisted and sewn with gold threads and remind me of couture and Versailles decadent history.

Formed into fragments that will probably be part of something else.

This one looks like a weird kind of bird.

I’ve also had the de-clutter bug lately so its feels liberating to use up stuff Ive been hoarding for ever.

Art & Recycling. Textiles & Mixed media.

Friday, January 18th, 2019

Art and recycling goes hand-in-hand in the textile and mixed- media side of my arts practice.

My artworks are often created from old, discarded clothing, vintage and antique textiles, papers and found objects. I enjoy making use of stuff that has had a life already; a life that is often purely functional and as far removed from ‘art’ as you can imagine.

I’ve been recycling all my life to make art. As a child, I pulled apart, old clothing and nylon stockings “I used to collect fabric waste from mum’s sewing and knitting basket, making wall hangings out of that.” Nowadays, I cut up my own clothing and others, antique quilts, vintage linens, fancywork and men’s suits.

The process of searching and collecting materials, is also, a very important part of my art’s making. It may take weeks, months, even years, to find a piece that talks to me. Most of the time though, a fragment of fabric, clothing or object, will trigger off the idea. I collect and document many of the pieces I find, by labeling or remembering, its history of when & where it was found. This gives me another layer to work with.

The search for materials has taken me to many weird and wonderful places over the years.

The sometimes, dodgy, back streets of cities, in Barcelona, Italy and France. Markets and charity shops in Australia, France and England. Underground spaces, abandoned buildings, coast lines and vacant beaches. Friends, family and strangers, have also, donated materials to use in my work.

By transforming old, recycled and reused materials, it enriches the stories I like to tell in my contemporary art and gives a new life, to materials destined to be wasted and thrown away.

Thoughts in the studio today. Stacks, towers and painting.

Saturday, December 1st, 2018

A bit of colour in the studio today. How many colours and layers can I stack up on top of one another?




They remind me of Claude Courtecuisse’s   “Hacking Objects” sculptures I saw in Paris at the Georges Pompidou Museum in 2007.

He erected towers and stacks of common objects.


Image photographed from original 2007 catalogue. Copyright Georges Centre Pompidou Original photos Copyright Claude Courtecuisse. 2007



Balance, colour, repetition, scale and transparency is what I took away from that exhibition.


  Copyright Jenny Davis


As a child, I too, would build little towers of objects in my bedroom.

Still today I play and stack with my vast collection of vintage objects.

The towers have been getting higher and higher over time and eventually, I aim to make huge, tall one’s, up to the roof or even higher.



Now back to the painting…I’m not sure if I’ve resolved it yet, as something about it is still annoying me. Maybe that’s a good thing?… as sometimes things that are a bit odd are more successful.

I think I will sit with it a bit longer.


Line Walking. Working with Line.

Friday, August 3rd, 2018

Line is a point moving in space. Playing with line fascinates to me. By letting go and just allowing the movement to take over, allows me to go in-between, out and off edges.



The materials I use vary. I may use paint, pencil or crayon on vintage book papers, thread on antique cloth, scratch with implements, or, use wire to make tangles. Lines often define the edges of a form, but not very often in my arts practice.



Lines can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, straight or curved, thick or thin.



Paint lines



Drip lines



Thread lines



Free flowing lines



Frottage lines



String lines



Rustmatter abstract paintings now available.

Sunday, July 8th, 2018

New paintings available in my gallery. “Rustmatter” series. I want to capture the “beauty & hope” in decline, before its gone and continues my investigation into the disintegration and decay of the environment, of life and the human psyche.


Experiments with layers of rust, paint, iron shavings and salt. Finally, surfaces emerged, worn , weathered and sometimes ancient. I then sealed the paintings to keep stable and lock in the layers.





Each painting is a visual and textural descent into the abandoned, the derelict, the vacant and the forgotten. Curator & Arts Writer, Dr. Ewen Jarvis.



Rustmatter 17


Rustmatter 12


Rustmatter 16

Rustmatter 14


Rustmatter 15



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