Posts Tagged ‘decay’

Giving vintage textiles a new life.

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

Recently, a very kind lady donated her mothers doilies to me, for my next textile, art project. Though I have found it hard, rusting and burying this lot, I was re-assured that her mother would be happy to know they were given to someone who would give them a new life. 

I’ts been perfect weather lately for rusting and burying.

After a good soak with white vinegar I wrap some with wire.

Mostly, I just lay the the cloth under a slabs of metal sheets, left over from my studio build then stack on top of one another.

I like to get them all dirty by burying them and stacking a heaver tray and rocks on top. I leave them there from 24 hrs. or, many months until I get the look I’m after.

4 weeks underground. Final unveiling just before dunking in a sink of water and bicarb soda, to stop rusting process.

This piece really excites me with the intense rust and black marks.

Such gorgeous delicate lace work crochet in this doily.

Rust n dirt with tiny black marks and colourful hand embroidery.

Rust with the contrast of beautiful hand embroidery peeking through.

A lovely bundle of vintage rust material ready to go for new projects.

Time Worn Surfaces. Fine Art Prints. Jenny Davis

Sunday, July 1st, 2018

Currently available in my Gallery ,” Limited Edition” art prints

To purchase my Wallmatter series, please go to the Gallery  page.

Each collection of 10 prints is $35.00 AU. and includes (Free Worldwide Postage)

You will receive
1 collection of 10 Wallmatter art prints/cards shown
Blank on back + 10 white paper envelopes
One of each design
6″ x 4″ – 15 x 10cm. ea.
Designed from my original abstract paintings
Printed professionally
100% Recycled paper stock
Sustainably sourced
Matt finish






A beautiful way to send a personal message to your friends and family or, frame for a unique art display in your home or workplace.


About Wallmatter series.”A visual and textural descent into the abandoned, the derelict, the vacant and the, forgotten surface.”Through her utilisation of forlorn industrial structures, stained and crumbling walls, acts of graffiti, redundant signage, and portals giving access to meandering subterranean systems,of timeworn surfaces. Jenny Davis evokes a unique vision at once spare and lavish, material and ghostly. It is a vision that elevates the significance of random marks, stress fractures and other imperfections, while enfolding the viewer in an atmosphere of chromatically gentle and strangely opulent decay.”



To purchase please go to my Gallery page and scroll down to “Small Art Prints”.

(Free Worldwide Postage)



Yering Station Art Gallery & Spaces Below

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018

Current Exhibition in the Main Gallery at Yering Station –  10 April – 20 May.


Wallmatter, Oil paint on canvas, 140 x 180 cm

‘Spaces Below’ is a visual and textural descent into the abandoned, the derelict, the vacant and the forgotten. Through her utilisation of forlorn industrial structures, stained and crumbling walls, acts of graffiti, redundant signage, and portals giving access to meandering subterranean systems, Jenny Davis evokes a unique vision at once spare and lavish, material and ghostly. It is a vision that elevates the significance of random marks, stress fractures and other imperfections, while enfolding the viewer in an atmosphere of chromatically gentle and strangely opulent decay. The abstractions that haunt these works are investigations of the many traces that run like hieroglyphs and riddles across the surface of neglected structures.

Davis’s subterranean life began in childhood. Drawn to ‘small spaces’ where she wouldn’t be disturbed, she would play in drainpipes, on vacant industrial sites and in newly constructed buildings, often working discarded materials into makeshift furniture and decorative objects. After an arts residency in Barcelona in 2005 and a visit to France in 2006, Davis steered her arts practice toward spaces reminiscent of those early childhood memories. In researching and documenting understructures, abandoned buildings and marks left behind in the built environment, she found ‘beauty in decay, random marks, aerial perspectives, graffiti and weathered surfaces’. Ever attuned to the narrative and oneiric possibilities of timeworn surfaces, Davis’s latest exhibition creates an altogether seductive immateriality from abrasive mediums such as cement, iron and rust.

Davis’s practice spans twenty-five years and encompasses painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography, book arts, textiles, installation‚ video‚ sound and virtual worlds.  Her artwork has been exhibited in Australia, Germany, France, Spain, the UK and the US and is represented in numerous private and public collections. She has received awards and residencies both nationally and internationally, and her digital artworks have been projected onto buildings in Times Square, New York and in 2017 at The Venice Biennale 57. “La Biennale di Venezia” in Italy. Davis currently works from her studio in the Yarra Valley region of Victoria, Australia. By DR. Ewen Jarvis 2018

Wallmatter 5, Acrylic, shellac, pigment, sealer on canvas, 122 x 92 cm

For more information please contact

Dr Ewen Jarvis


Yering Station Art Gallery

38 Melba Highway

Yarra Glen Vic 3775

P + 61 3 9730 0100

M + 0400 894 646

Time, Change, Erosion and Decay + Freebie Rust Dyeing Tutorial

Friday, March 17th, 2017

The process of transformation. Time, change, erosion and decay are qualities I like to celebrate. I examine and explore, the properties and possibilities, of my material and want to push the boundaries of something to get a deeper understanding.

In my latest project, I’m working with textiles over a 100 years old. I want to work with the worn and deteriorated textiles and collaborate alongside those, who in the past, so carefully stitched, mended and created, the pieces for comfort and warmth.

Each piece was once, carefully hand -stitched and now, breaking down and worn. I have very selectivity pulled apart and unpicked areas, and kept some intact.

Some areas of fabric, are so badly worn it breaks in my hands, so I have to reinforce it. Most pieces though are just left in their original state.

I then, like to push the process further with, natural & rust dying methods, mark making, hand stitching and painting with caste iron, botanical paints.

Numerous times, I expose the materials to the elements to experience the changes.

Getting to the essence of my material helps me to translate and describe its being. I rarely know the outcome of my projects and just go with the flow.

Wanting to know how to rust – dye?  Please see my  free rust – dyeing tutorial

You are Invited to “Wallmatter”. An exhibition by Jenny Davis.

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

You are Invited to “Wallmatter”. An exhibition by Jenny Davis.

Jenny Davis DL-2-1



Jenny Davis DL-2-2invite

Please see more here!

“Wallmatter” Exhibition Progress. Jenny Davis 2016.

Sunday, May 29th, 2016

“Wallmatter” Exhibition Progress. Jenny Davis 2016.

Wallmatter 3s


All my paintings are now finished and have been taken to the framers for my upcoming exhibition, in July and I managed to fit all, 17 paintings, into the car for the short trip to Healesville.


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter paintigns framers


While the paintings are at the framers I have been creating and finishing off, other pieces in the show. It has also, given me pockets of time to concentrate on the written stuff, which I find a bit difficult sometimes.


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My art statement has changed a million times, but I think I’m happy with it now. Id rather just let my artwork speak for itself but, finally, after many years, I’m actually starting to enjoy the process of writing the art statement. I see it now, as an extension of my work and not, just an unrelated, add on . As an artist, you know yourself, what your art is all about, but putting it out there, for the viewer, in words, honestly, without all that “artspeak”, is a whole different art, I’ve had to learn over the years.


Jenny Davis_Wallmatter Paintings lot_ 2016


If you need help writing art statements, here is fantastic book that has helped me.  “Art-Write. The Writing Guide for Visual Artists by Vicki Krohn Amorose.”  It’s a simple, step by step guide on writing, not only, art statements but also,  speeches, proposals, bio, press release’s and more. Its all related to the visual artist.


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The ad for “Art Almanac” magazine has been designed and sent off to the magazine and the invite/ad for “Wallmatter” exhibition, has been designed, with some help from my daughter overseas in France… Amazing Skype!


Jenny Davis_Sculpture3_2016

Jenny Davis_Sculpture4_2016

Jenny Davis_Sculpture_2016


The catalogue price list has taken a long time as every detail of every single piece has to be written down and priced.  It’s an ongoing venture and still in progress as I keep adding more pieces. The food and drinks for the opening have all been taken care of, thanks, to a couple of dear friends for their help.


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I’m still making some flat concrete stands I want to sit my sculpture’s on. One of them broke, so I’m not sure yet, whether Ill to use them, or not. I also need to find a way to get my paintings to the exhibition. Once framed they won’t fit into my car. Something I didn’t think off:)


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The last thing I will need to do is photograph and document all the pieces, before they are sent off to the gallery. Encase they don’t come back home again:) Hopefully!


Jenny Davis_Artist Books_2016


More details of what? when? and where? coming very soon!