Archive for the ‘vintage’ Category

“Door to Door” Exhibition. Artaviso & No Vacancy Gallery.

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

Thanks Artaviso for selecting my artwork ” Iso Charging Machine” to be part of the “Door to Door” exhibition.

The first phase of Artaviso ‘s Door to Door project is now live! An evolving virtual exhibition that will culminate in a physical exhibition in November 2020 at No Vacancy Gallery in Melbourne.

Here’s the image of my entry showing the finished artwork followed by the page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge 1950s Encyclopedia (edited by Enid Blyton) which, selected at random, formed the basis of the artwork.


Check out my a mixed media artwork, Iso Charging Machine here

Check out the virtual exhibition “Door to Door” exhibition here

For sales enquiries please contact Hayley at @novacancygallery

Iso Charging Machine. Jenny Davis
Being ripped from our natural normal states, during unprecedented times, this machine collects our thoughts, ideas, emotions and turns them into ingots. A kind of sorting machine for making sense of thoughts and the human state. Using as a sorting machine we may then see the bigger picture.

Once filled, each ingot is ejected from the mould and left to simmer and collate. Upon settling, thoughts, ideas and emotions disperse into smaller sections. Once, we can identify and describe our own emotions, action, can then be taken, to sort, keep, or delete. Some gold, some less important.


Hot Studio. Paper Collage Making.

Monday, December 30th, 2019

Too hot to go to the studio today (43 C – 110 F) so I’m working in the house studio. Messing up the the large table, workbench, I just painted for Xmas dinner. It will now become stained and marked until, I paint it for the next event, or next lot of visitors.

Making collage with vintage and rust papers.

The process of tearing and pasting helps me to slow down and be in the moment. Something I need right now after the rush of appointments and Christmas.

I’m using lots of old paper and pages from antique French magazines disintegrated from age and torn from the long trip back in my luggage, from Paris.

So, I have been using them in my mixed media and collage projects.

On one trip to France I bought home a heap of middle eastern cake papers. I think they were $1 a pack. So I got a mix of colours. They are great for adding pattern and texture.

The inside of window envelopes have great patterns for collage. I often use envelopes to make little books and peepholes in the book pages.

Collages finished today.

Collage 1. Delivery

Collage 2. The Carriers

Collage 3. Mardlarking. Thames.

Collage 4. Salvage

Thoughts in the studio today. Stacks, towers and painting.

Saturday, December 1st, 2018

A bit of colour in the studio today. How many colours and layers can I stack up on top of one another?




They remind me of Claude Courtecuisse’s   “Hacking Objects” sculptures I saw in Paris at the Georges Pompidou Museum in 2007.

He erected towers and stacks of common objects.


Image photographed from original 2007 catalogue. Copyright Georges Centre Pompidou Original photos Copyright Claude Courtecuisse. 2007



Balance, colour, repetition, scale and transparency is what I took away from that exhibition.


  Copyright Jenny Davis


As a child, I too, would build little towers of objects in my bedroom.

Still today I play and stack with my vast collection of vintage objects.

The towers have been getting higher and higher over time and eventually, I aim to make huge, tall one’s, up to the roof or even higher.



Now back to the painting…I’m not sure if I’ve resolved it yet, as something about it is still annoying me. Maybe that’s a good thing?… as sometimes things that are a bit odd are more successful.

I think I will sit with it a bit longer.


The Power of an Object. Identity through Object.

Sunday, November 12th, 2017

One of my life- time interests is collecting vintage, antique and found objects. I believe, through objects, stories can be told, and through imagination, new ones found.

Objects and their stories, often inspire my art making too. I deconstruct items for sculpture. Old clothing and antique quilts, are often used in textile pieces, artist books and collage. Aged  surfaces and patinas of collections, make their way into my abstract paintings, too.



Lately, I have been asking myself a few questions about, collecting and identity. Especially after the passing of my step father a few years ago, when I had the huge task, of cleaning out his house and shed. Overwhelming at times, the hoard, has found it’s way into my life & studio



Having only known him for a short time, (5yrs) I’ve discovered, through his belongings and objects, a hidden or, new identity.



Strangely , I now find myself imagining, a new “make believe identity” through the objects he hoarded



This has lead me to many questions…

When alive, do we really know a person? and can things and objects help us to see, a new, or different identity?

Through objects and belongings, can we feel connected to that person?

Can objects change, how we see others & ourselves?