Posts Tagged ‘women artists’

Collaging Along. Hotel Project. London & Outback Finds.

Friday, December 16th, 2022

I create with the debris left behind in the streets.










When I travel or just go walking, I discovered the physical “act” of gleaning (collecting) a creative process in itself, therefore, just as, important as the resulting idea or piece I may be working on.

When I used to go overseas, I usually had to buy another case, or send home boxes of stuff through the post back to Australia. Things I find in the streets, are free, or for little cost at markets, op shops etc. I sometimes, call myself the nomad artist as I like the challenge of creating with whatever stuff is around and rarely, take art materials with me. 

Last time, when I was in London I found a few little bits along the Thames river. In the large mixed media textile pieces I am creating for the hotel, I have included some finds, I have collected over time.

A small collection of clay pipe stems from 17th century, rusty wire fence droppers from outback Australia,  decorative metal bits from Paris markets and some 1800s metal detector finds from the goldfields in Maryborough Victoria. The textiles I’m working with are from 1800’s and they are from the USA.

I find as much interest looking on the ground for stuff as a tourist sees in the classic art and architecture.



The life of an Abstract Painting.

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019

It’s amazing how many stages an abstract painting goes through. Ive had the beginnings of this painting sitting in the studio a few months now. Its only recently, I started to photograph the process of painting. Eventually I want to do time lapse video’s while working, but not sure yet, how I will set up my camera.

I wanted to dirty it up a bit

Added some black lines and spaces

The red slowly crept in

More drawing with oil pigments below and the circle was bothering me so I took a risk and blocked it out with red. And that’s what its all about. Taking risks, going along with whatever comes along and using your gut feeling.

I’m pretty happy with the results but will sit with it for a while, before I touch it or, leave it alone. It’s only afterwards, I’ll see connections and links to the context or meaning. Sometimes though this happens when doing, but mainly it’s a play with colour, line and space and knowing when it’s resolved.

TurkRedghost Series. Textile Art. Antique & Vintage Textiles.

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

I grew up in a “make do and mend” family, where nothing much was thrown away and would be mended or, re-purposed into something else, therefore, many of my textile pieces are hand- made, created from antique & vintage sourced materials and may include, discarded, abandoned, found objects. I have been working with textiles all my life. My mother was a dressmaker and as a child, I would collect the fabric scraps and make wall hangings and soft sculpture.

“TurkRedghost” series

Sometimes the antique textiles I work with, seem to yell at me, but mostly, they lay silent, as I make my own marks alongside, others gone before. Ragged bits, old and new stitching, tracing marks left behind on old textiles are a reminder, of a time when women, had many obligations and few choices. I feel comfortable, as I stitch, tear, dye and reinforce the fragmented pieces. Somehow, I hope, in a small way, by reclaiming and reworking the textiles, I can give a voice to those women.

TurkRedghost 1

TurkRedghost 4

TurkRedghost 3

TurkRedghost 2

From This Place. Help Raise the Profiles of Women Artists!

Monday, July 10th, 2017

“We wanted to elevate our fellow women artists, to raise their profile in a world where it is often hard to cut through. One of the most telling statistics we found was that only 5% of artists hanging in permanent galleries worldwide were women. We took this fact and decided to do something about it, and where better to start than in our own beautiful region – on the banks of the Yarra River, in the mountains and forests we all call home?” Lindy Schneider

Lindy, Angela and to all the other artists…You are all such an inspiration and amazing creative women. I feel very privileged to be part of this project.

Photography Copyright  – Angela Rivas

Lets get behind this project and support women artists, everywhere. Please check out our Pozzible campaign ! We only have 8 days Left and your pledge will go along way to help publish this book, that will be a wonderful resource and inspiration for all people, artists, creatives and especially women.

Pozible Campaign


